NEW   2009   NEW

  1. Lukin V., Vozel B., Abramov S., Ponomarenko N., Uss M., Chehdi K., Blind methods for noise evaluation in multi-component images, Book chapter in "Multivariate image processing", ISTE Ltd, France, Nonember 2009 (in press).

  2. K. Egiazarian, V. Lukin, P. Molchanov, A, Roenko, A. Totsky, A. Zelensky, Signal detection in additive Gaussian noise, Doppler frequency shift and propagation fading environment by using third-order test statsitics, Book chapter in Festschrift in Honor of Jaakko Astola on Occasion of his 60-th birthday, Tampere, Finland, TICSP, pp. 320-343.

  3. V.V. Lukin, S.K. Abramov, M.L. Uss, I.A. Marusiy, N.N. Ponomarenko, A.A. Zelensky, B. Vozel, K. Chehdi, Testing of methods for blind estimation of noise variance on large image database, book chapter to Practical Aspects of Digital Signal Processing, Shahty, Russia, 2009. (Draft ( pdf - 490Kb ))

  4. V.V. Lukin, D.V. Fevralev, S.K. Abramov, N.N. Ponomarenko, S.S. Krivenko, O.B. Pogrebnyak, K.O. Egiazarian, J.T. Astola, I. Djurovi?, Removal of non-stationary noise by DCT based locally adaptive filtering, book chapter to Practical Aspects of Digital Signal Processing, Shahty, Russia, 2009. (Draft ( pdf - 2,7Mb ))


  1. Totsky A.V., Lukin V.V., Zelensky A.A., Astola J.T., Egiazarian K.O., Khlopov G.I., Morozov V.Ya., Kurbatov I.V., Molchanov P.A., Roenko A.A., Fevralev D.V. Bispectrum-based Methods and Algorithms for Radar, Telecommunication Signal Processing and Digital Image Reconstruction, TICSP Series No 45, Tampere University of Technology, 2008, 204 p.